Category Archives: Random Nonsense

The Staycation or, Everything Goes in a 425-Degree Oven for Twenty Minutes

Tomatoes suck. 

A tomato is a pupating mass of membranes, seeds, and gelatinous goo so far down the palatability scale for me it’s keeping the New Year’s abomination known as “Hoppin’ John” company. (Seems like the only place “John” is “hoppin’” to is the bathroom fixture that shares his name to spit out what to my tastebuds seems like boiled cat litter.) I will not eat anything that a slice of raw tomato has touched, because its filthy snot has a way of tainting adjacent food items with its unholy “flavor.”

Tomatoes are fit only to be rendered down, laced heavily with sugar and vinegar, and turned into ketchup.


You may be asking yourself, what has prompted this screed against a perfectly innocent fruit? (Vegetable? Hellspawn?) It’s because for almost three weeks not long ago, I was entirely responsible for creating my own meals. I normally make one meal per year — a shepherd’s pie a few days before Christmas. My wife, Shannon, is responsible the other 364 days for grocery shopping and cooking. Not because we conform to antiquated gender roles, but because she genuinely loves to cook, enjoys selecting fresh ingredients, and is very good at it. (I am Official Pot-Scrubber, Dishwasher-Filler, and Counter-Wiper-Downer, because as soon as she’s done cooking, she does the culinary equivalent of a mic drop and leaves the arena.)

Shannon would be spending twenty days in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos portion was a professional development program for educators put on by Stanford University, and the Ecuador portion was a personal vacation that I, technically, could have gone on as well. But the idea of traipsing around the Andes at altitudes over 16,000 feet and careening along narrow cliffside roads in colorful-but-deadly buses with questionable maintenance records and crammed full of live poultry did not appeal. (My Latin American bus-phobia may have been misplaced. Shannon and the friend she went with ended up on some very nice buses. She sent pictures.)

Shannon in Ecuador

So, with a few weeks off work myself, I decided on the glorious situation that goes by that too-cute-by-half portmanteau: the staycation.

Since I was now solely responsible for keeping myself alive, I decided to indulge myself even more than I usually do by making two of my favorite restaurant meals in my own kitchen — a full English breakfast and a Cobb salad. (Not at the same time, obviously.)

Which brings us back to our starting point — both of these dishes feature tomato. In the case of the full English, a fried tomato. Frying them definitely does not offer any improvement. Aesthetically, it makes them so much worse. A discolored, shriveled orange sack that looks like some kind of diseased bladder plucked from a dissected amphibian. Keep it away from my bangers, please.

My full English and Cobb salad would be proudly sans tomato.

With my Films of the Solo Beatles series (temporarily) stalled, why not turn my kitchen experiment into an entry for my neglected website? In fact, why not do the Holy Bee version of a “lifestyle” blog, complete with recipes and touting certain brand names? Maybe even throw in some product links?  

As you’ll see, it’s not much of a lifestyle. And like any good cooking blog, you’ll have to read through paragraphs and paragraphs of personal blather about my backyard, my reading habits, and my adorable pets before you get to the actual recipes. 

True Confession Time: I am a reformed cigar-smoker. Long ago in my single-guy days, from April through October, you would find me on the patio or balcony of whatever bachelor pad I was occupying, enjoying the pleasure of a book and cigar after getting home from work. When the weather turned too cold to sit outside, I would go on cigar hiatus for the duration of the winter. Even in my own place, I never smoked a cigar indoors because I’m not an animal. I was already weaning myself off them entirely (it was getting too damn expensive) when I met and subsequently married Shannon. Shannon abhors smoking in any form, so even though she never outright asked me to, I easily gave up cigars altogether over ten years ago.

Sort of. Almost.

Whenever Shannon leaves the house for two days or more, I immediately dash out and buy a pack of cigars. It has to be a two-day trip minimum, because the smell will not leave your pores after only one shower, and the taste will not entirely leave your mouth in less than 24 hours, no matter how many times you brush, floss, and rinse. Obviously, I enjoy the taste and aroma of a cigar as I’m smoking it, but once the party’s over, the odor that clings to the skin and clothes is not particularly pleasant. I also make sure the clothes I was wearing are washed, or at least completely buried at the bottom of the hamper. If it sounds like I’m trying to keep this a dirty little secret, I assure you I’m not. Shannon is well aware of my cigar-backsliding while she’s away, but why subject my lovely wife to a smell she’s sensitive to and I know she hates? (Almost as much as we both hate patchouli. If you’re one of those people who douse youself in patchouli and then parade around in public like it’s perfectly acceptable, you owe society a huge debt for not collectively vomiting in your presence.)

So these days, I smoke a few cigars about twice a year. A pack of five will get me through two days. But this summer, she’d be gone for twenty days. To hell with a pack, I bought me a full box.

I have smoked premium Cuban cigars from Havana. I once smoked a single cigar that cost in the triple digits. And they were just fine. But to me, nothing tops a good, sweet, cheap liquor store cigar.

I was never really a cigarette smoker. As a disaffected hipster teen in the early ‘90s, I sometimes puffed on those black clove cigarettes that popped and crackled as they burned (illegal in the U.S. as of 2009). A little later in life, I discovered everyone I worked with at the video store took smoke breaks in the back alley, and I decided to join them with my newly-purchased pack of Chesterfields (because that’s the brand Christopher Walken gave to Dennis Hopper in True Romance). That lasted barely a year before I decided I didn’t really want to be a “real” smoker. I switched to cigars, which you could puff away on without coating your lungs in tar. (Coating your mouth and throat with aromatic smoke seemed somehow healthier.) My preferred brand for years and years was the widely-known Swisher Sweets. I was mail-ordering them in bulk by the time I decided to curtail the habit.

Nowadays, because my smoking opportunities are much more limited, I need to get as much time and pleasure as possible out of each individual cigar, and Swisher Sweets are on the small side. I switched it up to Phillies Titans. Each one is a solid six inches long, and if you don’t go crazy with it, a slow-burning Titan will last almost an hour. I know I referred to this type of cigar as “cheap” earlier, but a pack of five Phillies Titans will run you $9.99 at your local Rite Aid. Cheap compared to Montecristos, I suppose, but the cost is another good reason to not smoke cigars too often.

In my life, cigars are indelibly associated with reading. I don’t think I have ever smoked a cigar without a book in hand. Since I don’t smoke indoors, that means an outside reading chair is a must. Even without cigars in my routine, reading outside on a nice afternoon has become habitual.

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The Holy Bee’s Double Old-Fashioned Recipe (aka the “Thank Me Later”)


Fitzgerald: Don’t make them so sweet this time.

Dingy: You want another one? You’ve had two already, can’t you wait until we’re on the ground?

Fitzgerald: What are you talking about? All right, I’ll make the next batch. (To Benjy) You! You take the controls!

Benjy: I don’t know how to fly an airplane!

Fitzgerald: Oh, that’s nonsense, anyone can fly a plane…Now I’m going to make us an old-fashioned the old-fashioned way, the way dear old Dad used to!

Benjy: What if something happens?

Fitzgerald: What could happen to an old-fashioned?


The Holy Bee doesn’t do things by half-measures…when I write a blog entry, I usually gush 4000 words…when I fix a drink, it’s usually a double.

The perfect unwinding drink is the old-fashioned. Whether you knock one together as soon as you walk in the door after a rough day, or wait until later in the evening as dinner is settling, an old-fashioned can have a magical effect on your mood. Don’t let anyone tell you there’s a “correct” technique. No one likes a bar snob. But I’ve had too many watery, overly-fruit-muddled old-fashioneds in restaurants, so now I only trust myself to fix a good one. Here’s my recipe.


First of all, get yourself a silicone ice tray, capable of making 2-inch cubes. Use filtered water to make your cubes. The extra-large size will slow melting.


Again, this is a double, so put two sugar cubes in a double-sized, heavy-bottomed rocks glass. (Some people prefer simple syrup to cut down on graininess, but I rarely have any on hand.) (EDIT: I have since discovered the super-finely grained caster, or “baker’s,” sugar, which will leave no graininess or residue. One teaspoon is the proper amount.)



Thoroughly coat the cubes in Angostura bitters — accept no substitutes! Don’t be stingy with the bitters, either. Make sure those cubes are doused (8-10 dashes).


Splash in a small amount (about two tablespoons) of carbonated water or club soda. 


Squeeze in the juice of ⅛ of a naval orange (or ½ of a small mandarin). Bag and fridge the rest of the orange — it’s good for seven more old-fashioneds.


Muddle the sugar, bitters, water, and orange juice into a slurry with whatever muddling implement you have handy (I use a small ladle). Work it hard — try to dissolve the sugar as much as possible. You won’t dissolve it all, but that’s OK.


Swirl the mixture to coat the inside of the glass, and add the big-ass ice cube


Add two shots (about 3 oz.) of whiskey. The Holy Bee is a rye man, but a Canadian blend such as Crown Royal also works well for a different flavor experience.


Stir thoroughly!


Slice your used orange wedge in half to use as the first part of your garnish.



A toothpick is handy to extract a maraschino cherry from its tight little jar. Luxardo (the “original,” imported from Italy) is highly recommended. Add the cherry, and use the toothpick to drizzle in some of the cherry syrup.

Stir one more time. You can splash in a little more club soda if you want (I usually don’t).

Again, there’s no “right” way (except the Angostura bitters), but I prefer not to mush or muddle the fruit garnish. The juice & syrup are already in there, and you’d just be making it look worse from an aesthetic point of view.


The result is a smoky, spicy, sipping drink that goes well with elevated slippered feet, and a good book or whatever episode of an acclaimed cable show strikes your fancy. It should last an hour or so with proper care and handling, and it gets mellower, colder, and sweeter as you consume it. Don’t forget the cherry surprise that rewards you at the end.

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Filed under Life & Other Distractions, Random Nonsense

The Holy Bee of Ephesus has a new home!

Welcome to the new home for my wickedly self-indulgent blog Holy Bee of Ephesus, which has been a Blogspot fixture for the past three years. You’ll get features such as The Holy Bee Recommends, Books of the Holy Bee, the epic ongoing examination of music of the 1990′s This Used To Be My Playground (which runs concurrently on The Institute of Idle Time website), and other random crap. It will all appear here — both new entries and the old stuff. The transfer of the archives was not flawless, so I still have some work to do down in the Vault, correcting images and captions, fixing links, etc. If you want to finally admit to yourself that there’s nothing going on in your life, then there’s a subscription button on the lower left, alerting you via e-mail each time the site is updated. Don’t wait for the Facebook posts (you could miss one, and that’s enough to ruin anyone’s week), get each update while it’s hot and fragrant. C’mon, folks, lower the bar. You can only watch that cat that flushes the toilet on YouTube so many times before you wonder if there’s something even more pointless on the internet. Join the Holy Bee army.

I may keep the Blogspot site open as a “second home,” for those who fear change, but it won’t be forever. The other Holy Bee “second home” was on LiveJournal. I was lured into using LiveJournal by meeting someone who keeps a very literate, well-informed blog on current events there. As it turns out, the person I met was the only living human being who keeps a literate, well-informed blog on LiveJounral. LiveJournal is actually 90% fat, acne-riddled goth girls writing about goth shit, and 10% undecipherable typing by recent Ukrainian immigrants who contribute by tapping lightly on their keyboards with their penises after a long night of huffing nail varnish. Stellar company for some, but not a class act like the Holy Bee of Ephesus. So goodbye, LiveJournal (and Blogspot, eventually), hello WordPress!

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More to come…

The Holy Bee hasn’t forgotten you. It’s just that his work ethic is at a very low simmer between June and August.

Keep the faith & stay tuned…Lots of new things cooking…

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Trumped Again!

So once again, as happened back in October, an issue or concept first raised here in the hallowed halls of the Holy Bee of Ephesus blog has been upstaged by a website with a much wider audience.

Compare this, from November 2010:

With this, datelined January 14, 2011:

And once again, the salt on the wound is that theirs is written much better than mine.


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Hey gang,

If you want to read someone doing pretty much the same thing as I am with This Used To Be My Playground, only with far more wit, brevity (obviously), insight and all-around coolness, head over to one of the Holy Bee’s favorite websites The AV Club and check out Steven Hyden’s Whatever Happened To Alternative Nation?

Yes, I was doing something similar first, but…Hydrox cookies came first, and who eats that crap? No, we all eat Oreos.

Just to be clear:
Holy Bee = Hydrox
AV Club = Oreos

Bastard even mentions Urge Overkill in his very first installment. Good God, man, you build to Urge Overkill!

I guess I’m doing it wrong.


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What’s up?

Don’t you hate blogs that consist mostly of entries detailing why there hasn’t been an entry? Sorry to do that to you, but I’m getting slammed at work, so, uh…less “idle time.” But I will let you know about the Insitute of Idle Time’s participation in the San Francisco Zine Fest very soon. Promise. In the meantime, here’s a picture of a bunny.

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New "Playground" entry coming soon!

For you few who follow the past and present adventures of the Holy Bee, it’s been a long time since the last installment. Why the delay? Apart from a fairly hectic (for me) last few weeks at work, and working in fits and starts on the Idle Time Decades project, I have been stymied by the loss of a picture. A new entry in the 90’s Playlist series has been in the works for quite some time (half-written), but in my quest to provide you with unparalleled quality, I have been turning my house upside down in search of an old picture that will complement the written piece perfectly. I may have to give up on the search soon, and push on without it.

So the next entry (#36-40 — don’t let the small amount of songs fool you, it’s another epic) will be up by the end of the week, along with, perhaps, a Holy Bee Recommends entry for good measure.

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The Beginning of the End of 2008

It’s that time of year. The Institute Of Idle Time‘s long-awaited sixth annual compilation of the absolute best music of 2008 is currently under construction, and will officially be made public in January 2009. The final list is determined by a mathematical average of six people’s individual ratings of six people’s Top 20 albums. The result is a collaborative cream-of-the-crop, a thing of wonder.

Over the next few weeks, I will post in these pages (Holy Bee of Ephesus) my individual Top 20 Albums of 2008, soon subject to the opinions of the five other Idle Timers. How many will make the final list in January? It remains to be seen.

We will begin in the next week or so with Honorable Mentions, albums that either greatly pained me to have to cut from my final list, or were interesting but just not strong enough to make the Big Show.

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